
InfiniteERCAM is a wholly and jointly owned subsidiary of InfiniteENERGY and EnergiaERCAM. InfiniteERCAM has been established with the goal of supplying Solar PV fixed mounting systems and tracker mounting systems. In addition, InfiniteERCAM is focused on delivering specialized turnkey services to Solar PV markets in India and globally. InfiniteERCAM is establishing manufacturing facilities in India to manufacture solar mounting systems (fixed and tracker) for domestic utilization and consumption in the world markets. As an added value to our clients, InfiniteERCAM will provide EPC, maintenance and monitoring services to the vast global solar infrastructure market

InfiniteERCAM's mission is to facilitate the creation of cheap, renewable, and clean energy throughout the world and eliminate our dependence on fossil fuels.

InfiniteERCAM continues to invest in research and development of efficient and reliable technologies to harvest energy from the sun.

Infinite energy is a specialist in installing solar energy products to make sure that investors are getting the most of their investment. Infinite energy performs an in-depth analysis of the area where the solar farms are planted. Based on the study, the solar farm is setup to harvest as much of the clean energy as possible. Setup process also includes automated monitoring system, which adjusts the panels according to the time of the day and year.

InfiniteERCAM products are developed and deployed to the highest industry standards as evidenced by our ISO 9001 certification.

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